Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Písmena jednotek A: a B:

Možné to je, ale nešel bych proti roky zažitému systému, kdybych pro to neměl nevyhnutelný důvod. Co jsem tak během asi 30 vteřin našel, přiděláš si tím jen zbytečné problémy.

“You can assign the letters C through Z to each drive on your computer. A and B are usually reserved for floppy disk drives, but if your computer does not have floppy disk drives, you can assign A and B to volumes.”
So when I built a new computer recently with two internal drives, one for the OS and one for data, I thought, hey!, I’ll make my data drive “A”. I felt all rebellious until I discovered that Windows will not index drives lettered A or B. :(
Took me quite a while to figure out what the problem was, but I found some other people who suffered the same issue when they used A or B for a [primary] drive. As soon as I assigned that drive a different letter, windows indexed the drive. So much for being rebellious.

What Are the Windows A: and B: Drives Used For?

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