Kaspersky - Problém s instalací
Dobrý den,
Chtěl jsem nainstalovat kasperskeho (čistě kvůli firemním účelům), ale nefunguje to. - obrazek
Pokud se podívám do zmíněného souboru, je zde uvedeno
Starting utility 'klnagchk'...
Checking command line options...OK
Initializing basic libraries...OK
Current device is 'desktop-vdu527m'
Network Agent version is ''
Reading the settings...OK
Verifying the settings...OK
Network Agent settings:
Administration Server address: 'address'
Use SSL: 1
Compress traffic: 1
Numbers of the Administration Server SSL ports: '13000'
Numbers of the Administration Server ports: '14000'
Use proxy server: 0
Administration Server certificate: not installed
Open UDP port: 1
Numbers of UDP ports: '15000'
Synchronization interval (min): 15
Connection timeout (in seconds): 30
Send / receive timeout (in seconds): 180
Device ID:
Attempting to connect to Administration Server...Transport level error while connecting to http://address:13000: general error 0x502.
An attempt to send ICMP packet to the Administration Server
Sending ICMP packet address [address]...Error - Sent = 3, Received = 0
Attempting to connect to Network Agent...OK
Network Agent is running.
Receiving the Network Agent statistical data...OK
Network Agent statistical data:
Total number of synchronization requests: 0
The number of successful synchronization requests: 0
Total number of synchronizations: 0
The number of successful synchronizations: 0
Date/time of the last request for synchronization:
Deinitializing basic libraries...OK
Pochopitelně jsem to hledal, ale manuál mají obrovský.
Prosím Vás o radu.
PS. Tohle mi napsal kolega
Kaspersky se ovládá pomocí konzole, která je na serveru, nebo lze nainstalovat na PC, ale jelikož neumím spojit vzdálené PC, tak by ti asi nefungovala.
Ano, nainstaluješ si origo verzi s licencí a budeme pracovat na spojení na dálku.
Instalace antiviru na PC stanice je na serveru na adrese \\...\...\...\NetAgent_11.0.0.1131
Upřímně jsem nepochopil, jak to myslel.