Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem VirtualBox - Pripojenie cez Wi-Fi (nie Ethernet)

Zkus podle tohoto postupu:

Follow The Steps:

1. Go to Settings of our VM (Which you have created).
2. Go to Network.
3. Select any Adapter (Adapter 1, Adapter 2, Adapter 3, Adapter 4)
4. In “Attached to” select “Bridged Adapter”.
5. In “Name” select your <wifi driver name>.
6. Then click OK. (Right Bottom)
7. Then turn Off WIFI in your Host OS.
8. Then Run OS in VM which is installed in VM.
9. Then when you see Destop of your OS in VM.
10. Turn On WIFI in Host OS.
11. Then Turn On Wifi in VM OS (if not already).

make sure to enable Adapter (What you have selected in step 3) in VM.

I hope this will help, as this worked for me.

zdroj: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-enable-a-wireless-adapter-on-VirtualBox

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