nikdy nic, jak jsem psal, byl udrzovan, cisten, ale nasel jsem toto, skoro stejny notebook jako mam ja, a stejny problem, jenom jim moc nerozumim.
jak pisu, na notebookove klavesnici nefunguje skoro vubec klavesa "W" a po pripojeni externi klavesnice funguje klavesa W ale ve hrach se to chova tak se to reaguje opozdene nebo spis jako divne bych rekl..
jeste jsem pak nasel jeden anglickej post na forum kde typek mel ten samej problem jak ja, taky mu prestala fungovat klavesa W, a po vymene klavesnici v ntb mu to fungovalo asi tyden, a pak to zas prestalo fungovat, prej to mohlo mit nejake spojeni s teplotama, tak nevim.
" Mine (Clevo P650SG) has the same problem. But only for W key. I believe the keyboard itself is faulty so I ordered a new one but haven't receive it yet. I noticed after playing games for a while, the top left part of keyboard gets hot and only after that, the problem starts to show up. So I did an experiment. I played for a while until the problem appeared. Then I exited the game and opened a notepad. And pressed and hold the W key. After 2 seconds I released it and noticed even after releasing the key, it still keeps typing wwwwww for a few seconds. I continued the experiment and found out, the cooler the keyboard gets the less the problem appears. Then I opened the keyboard and there appears to be a small crack right behind the w key but I'm not sure about that. Anyway after I receive my new keyboard I'll post the results here.
Hello, I have the same exact problem !
My CPU is max 91°C with an average of 83°C.
My GPU max 89°C.
I do not think it comes from here because in idle, if I press W on wordpad for some time i can see the lag...and the CPU is @45°C.
I'm a little late on my IC7 repaste (each 6 month), but those temps are far from hazardous IMO, I saw worse, i do not have throttling, and the average temps are correct.
So yes maybe the heat did damage the keyboard because the w key is right above the CPU. But it does happen in idle with low temps. Try it again on wordpad press www for some time, release the key and it will continue alone wwwing...^^.
Only the Z key is lagging, i don't feel like paying 60 Euros for one key, it's annoying, and Nvidia pascal is going to be anounced friday...(I hope we'll see some good laptop cards not just desktop)
The keyboard is faulty, but when a get a new keyboard i will surely repaste /clean the fans.