Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno Procesor nejde do výkonu max 30% a 0,89GHz

Riesenia z vlakna (vraj funkcne).

It's bios problem. I found how to go full speed again. I go Start menu -> power -> sleep. Wait till computer sleeps. Than power up from sleep pressing power button. Thats it.


Removing the screw under the C key worked for me. Crazy.


install Throttlestop and disable the BD PROCHOT setting.

Niekomu pomohol aj update biosu.

All that is required is a BIOS update to the latest firmware available from Dell (support.dell.com, search for your particular model). In my most recent client’s case, an upgrade from A05 to A15 immediately corrected the problem.

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