Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Úprava .dll súboru pomocou dnSpy

Snažím sa prakticky len upraviť hodnotu, nič viac, nič menej.
Hodnotu upravujem v: AlterraWays.dll -> AlterraWays.Food -> FruitNutrietBlock.

Konkrétne upravujem tento riadok:

cloneTemplate.ModifyPrefab = delegate(GameObject go)
  Eatable eatable = go.EnsureComponent<Eatable>();
  eatable.foodValue = 68f;


cloneTemplate.ModifyPrefab = delegate(GameObject go)
  Eatable eatable = go.EnsureComponent<Eatable>();
  eatable.foodValue = 100f;
  eatable.waterValue = 100f;

Presné chyby:

'CraftData.Ingredient' is inaccessible due to its protection level
'List<CraftData.Ingredient>.Add(CraftData.Ingredient)' is inaccessible due to its protection level
'CraftData.Ingredient' is inaccessible due to its protection level
'List<CraftData.Ingredient>.Add(CraftData.Ingredient)' is inaccessible due to its protection level

Toto je tá časť, ktorá (asi) spôsobuje danú chybu: (Assembly-CSharp.dll ->CraftData)

private sealed class Ingredients : List<CraftData.Ingredient>
        // Token: 0x0600484C RID: 18508 RVA: 0x00176BEC File Offset: 0x00174DEC
        public void Add(TechType techType, int amount = 1)
            base.Add(new CraftData.Ingredient(techType, amount));

Taktiež Assembly-CSharp.dll sa nedá nijako upravovať (aspoň mne to teda nešlo ani cez dnSpy, ani cez VS).

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