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Doplnim este, kedze sa mi zda ze problemy su markantne len pri pomalom pripojeni, hladal som googlom css firefox problem slow connection a daju sa najst diskusie napr.:

IChao wrote:

> Its a time problem -- on my slow connection, all of the navigation
> divs are displayed on top until they are covered from the following
> .content -- the loading of the header image takes more time than the
> rendering of the rest. The image's intrinsic dimensions are
> determined, but too late. So, the floated containing banner gets no
> dimension at all at first sight.
> Give the image lengths via html.
> is there a recommondation out there (to drop the img dimensions) I
> have missed?
> Ingo


You're spot on. Added a height to the CSS and works perfectly. Don't
know how I missed that. :)


Skor otazka pre losa - ci su vsetky rozmery urcene uz na zaciatku renderovania stranky, inac sa moze niektory rozmer alebo nieco nacitat na pomalom pripojeni prilis neskoro...

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