Hadanka c.3- najdi heslo
Najdi heslo
Hint 1: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6623/radmin3xr.j pg
Hint 2: Even when Windows NT security support is switched off, access to a remote computer with Radmin is restricted by a password. Radmin uses a challenge-response password authentication method (MD5 and Twofish). This method is similar to the authentication method used in Windows NT, but uses a much more sophisticated encoding.
Preco by to bolo na hrane? Kazdemu sa moze stat ze zabudne heslo.
Ty se denně přihlašuješ a najednou se probudíš a nevíš heslo k administraci?
Nie, ale mam doma posietovane 3 PC a dlho som uz dany program nepouzival- preto som zabudol heslo.
A preco to heslo nezrusis (toolov na to urcite bude viac ako na dekryptovanie, ktore za urcitych okolnosti moze trvat aj milion rokov).
Na clientovi RD by melo stacit nastavit nove heslo