Hadanka c.3- najdi heslo
Najdi heslo
Hint 1: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6623/radmin3xr.j pg
Hint 2: Even when Windows NT security support is switched off, access to a remote computer with Radmin is restricted by a password. Radmin uses a challenge-response password authentication method (MD5 and Twofish). This method is similar to the authentication method used in Windows NT, but uses a much more sophisticated encoding.
Preco by to bolo na hrane? Kazdemu sa moze stat ze zabudne heslo.
Ty se denně přihlašuješ a najednou se probudíš a nevíš heslo k administraci?
Nie, ale mam doma posietovane 3 PC a dlho som uz dany program nepouzival- preto som zabudol heslo.
Na clientovi RD by melo stacit nastavit nove heslo