Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem proc nefunguje suplik...?

To museli byt fakt "kvalifikovani technici" :-D :-D

//P.S. vytah z ATA6 specifikacie, sekcia 4.1:
The host shall be placed at one end of the cable. It is recommended that for a single device configuration the device be placed at the opposite end of the cable from the host. If a single device configuration is implemented with the device not at the end of the cable, a cable stub results that may cause degradation of signals. Single
device configurations with the device not at the end of the cable shall not be used with Ultra DMA modes.

Dufam ze staci a nebudes tu dalej rozvijat "kvalifikovanych technikov" :-)

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