Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Jak snizim rychlost pripojeni vedlejsimu uzivateli ktery je pripojeny na stejny HUD ?

Ked mi povies, ktore z tohoto je ten tvoj HUD mozno ti poradim
HUD may refer to:
Head-up display, a visual display technology for fighter airplanes, cars and others
HUD (video gaming), a method of visually representing information in computer and video games
Heads-up display (GUI), computer screen elements that transfer information unobtrusively.
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, a division of the US Federal Government
Hong Kong United Dockyard, a dockyard in Hong Kong
Hollywood Undead, A Rapcore band from California.

Hud may refer to:
Hud (prophet), an Islamic prophet, which is thought by some to be Eber
Hud (sura), the eleventh sura of the Qur'an, which contains an account of the prophet Hud
Hud (film), a 1963 film starring Paul Newman
Hud (1986 film), a 1986 Norwegian film
Huddersfield, a town in West Yorkshire, England

HuD may refer to:
The HuD/ELAVL4 protein, a human gene, an RNA-binding protein

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