Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem nejde prehrat DVD+RW

Tak ti odpovim... manual je na netu. O upgradovatelnosti tam nic neni (manual se cte jako prvni), ale je tam neco o discich.

DVD-R and DVD-RW discs
Your player can play DVD-R and DVD+R (single recording) and DVD-RW and DVD+RW (re-recordable) discs.Recordings on DVD-RW discs must be made in DVD Video mode.
Recordings on DVD+RW discs must be made in accordance with the specifications for the 4.7 Gb capacity DVD+RW disc format.Compatibility is dependent on which DVD writer,writer software and disks are used.

Takze staci mit DVD+RW vytvorene dle specifikace a melo by to jit.

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