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Enhanced Mode Support On [S-ATA]
The default setting S-ATA allows you to use native OS on Serial ATA and
Parallel ATA ports. We recommend that you do not change the default setting
for better OS compatibility. In this setting, you may use legacy OS on the
Parallel ATA ports only if you did not install any Serial ATA device.
The P-ATA+S-ATA and P-ATA options are for advanced users only. If you set
to any of these options and encounter problems, revert to the default setting
S-ATA. Configuration options: [S-ATA+P-ATA] [S‐ATA] [P-ATA]

V IDE Configuration si musíš nastavit disky buď SATA+IDE( PATA) , nebo jen SATA , nebo jen IDE(PATA) - u každého zařízení klepni na ENTER a nastav jej.

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