1) Download PsTools from http://technet.micro...ernals/bb896649
2) Extract PsExec.exe from the PsTools.zip file, into the Windows system32 directory.
3) I had already run the nvidia installer previously, so all the files had been unpacked into C:\NVIDIA\.... If you have not done this, please see the note below.
4) Use PsExec to run the setup.exe file in the installer directory:
psexec -s -i -d "C:\nvidia\displaydriver\285.62\winvista_win7_64\ english\setup"
5) Everything installed fine using the above command.
Note: I suspect that you could also call the downloaded driver file directly using this method and have success, BUT I HAVE NOT TESTED THAT. i.e you could run: psexec -s -i -d "<your download location>\285.62-desktop-win7-winvista-64bit-engli sh- whql"