Hľadací interval je pre mňa 3500 s.[01:04] *** Pripojujem sa na extreme.dvd-club.cz:5555...
[01:04] *** Pripojený
[01:04] <[BOT]eXtReMe> This Hub is running on Verlihub by http://hubhosting.biz.
[01:05] <MOTD>
DVD Club eXtReMe (extreme.dvd-club.cz:5555)
Homepage >> http://dvdclub.ipdz.com
E-mail >> info@mail.dvd-club.cz
/fav >> Write this to add this hub to your favorites
+rules >> rules in english
>>Hub-owners, OPs etc DON'T hold any responsibility for data, that you are sharing! <<
[01:06] <[BOT]eXtReMe> 3500s