Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Image CD disku

Nie. A si si isty ze to image je 800MB bez opravnych dat? Neverim ze by nejaky program mal 4instalacne CD ktore by boli 800MB, mohli by s tym mat mechaniky problem. Pozri sa tam odkial mas ten image ze co to je zac a ako to mas napalovat.
Obycajne 700MB CD ma aj s opravnymi datami kludne tych 800MB, takze otazka je co to je za image.

The .BIN file contains an exact copy of all data stored on an optical disk in raw, unprocessed form. For this reason, some programs use the .RAW suffix for these files. The file contains all data stored on the original disk - not only its files and folders, but also system-specific information such as boot loaders, volume attributes, error correction codes and other metadata on the disk itself. Of the 2352 bytes in each CD sector, only 2048 contain user data; the additional 304 bytes per sector primarily contain error correction information.
t.j. .bin image zo 700MB CD bude mat: 700*1024/2 * 2352 bytes = 803MB, ale je to image zo 700MB CD !

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