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Podla informacii z netu bol Netflix poziadany a ziadosti vyhovel, aby utlmil vysielanie v HD kvalite, pretoze chrbticove siete v EU su vdaka corone pretazene.
Je zname, ze drviva vacsina traficu na sieti tvoria multimedia, Youtube, HBO GO, Netflix a spol a ze siete nie su pripravene na hromadny prechod na tieto streamovacie sluzby.
10 rokov dozadu som zverejnil pomerne apokalyp[ticky clanok o kolapse internetu.
Tento clanok je v suvislosti s covidom aktualny. Ludia zostali doma, nudia sa a su na nete. Masivne stuplo vyuzivanie stremaovacich sluzieb, videohovorov na Skype, Whatsapp, Viber a spol a linky su zrazu v pr...
Pozrel som si grafy u seba na sieti, v sixe a nixe a nevidel som to az tak tragicky, narast tam je, ale nie taky aky by som cakal, nicmenej Frankfurt ako jeden z hlavnych uzlov uz viditelny narast ma.

Situacia sa bude pravdepodobne zhorsovat a ukazuje sa, ze nie sme pripraveni na taketo scenara ani zo sietoveho hladiska.
Edit: Dnes potvrdil úpravu kvality videi aj YT.

Zdroj: Internet
Předmět Autor Datum
Podla informacii z netu bol Netflix poziadany a ziadosti vyhovel, aby utlmil vysielanie v HD kvalite…
RedMaX 20.03.2020 09:44
https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=netflix+hd+eu&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 Pochop,…
fleg 20.03.2020 09:52
Ja to chapu, ale na druhou stranu, nemam zajem o nic min nez HD vysilani a pokud to Netflix neumi v…
RedMaX 20.03.2020 09:58
Este raz...toto nie je problem NETFLIXU! Toto je problem chrbticovych sieti v EU.
fleg 20.03.2020 10:08
Kolik penez poskytovatele sluzeb, ktere vyuzivaji vetsinu kapacity site (Netflix, Youtube, HBO, Twit…
RedMaX 20.03.2020 10:14
Preco by mali. To nie je ich problem, navyse sa dodrzuje sietova neutralita, takze je povinnostou IS…
fleg 20.03.2020 10:20
To neni o tom, jestli to je nebo neni povinnosti ISP, ale predstava, ze budou ISP distribuovat tuny…
RedMaX 20.03.2020 15:28
A řekl bych, že je jen otázka času, kdy k tomu přistoupí i jiní poskytovatelé multimédii.
mirha 20.03.2020 09:59
Samozrejme, karantenne pravidla aj v inych statoch EU sa budu pritvrdzovat a vytazenie sieti bude st…
fleg 20.03.2020 10:09
Včera večer jsem koukal na Netflix a obraz rozhodně nevypadal jako SD.
Wikan 20.03.2020 09:59
Ja si skor myslim, ze ide o potlacenie FHD vysielania a nie HD. FHD je oproti HD tak 2-3x narocnejsi…
fleg 20.03.2020 10:10
Včera večer jsem koukal na Netflix a obraz rozhodně nevypadal jako SD. Seriále co sleduji v PC s ro…
HPET 20.03.2020 10:26
Please check size chart carefully before ordering. Bjj Gi
dawson 25.08.2024 17:56
Downloading the Terabox vip unlocked apk was a game-changer for managing files directly from my phon…
alizaidi 03.10.2024 16:31
Mimochodem, SPAMu mi v emailove schrance kvuli pretizeni site rozhodne neubylo. A jsou to i cesti sp…
RedMaX 20.03.2020 10:18
Vidim, ze pisete, ze jste stale na HD, dejte prosim vedet, kdyby se to zmenilo. Dekuju.
RedMaX 20.03.2020 15:29
Ja uz nevim, kde jsem to cetla a hledat se mi to nechce, ale v nejakym clanku psali, ze u netflixu n…
merlouska 20.03.2020 17:20
H265 znizje oproti H264 spotrebu 3 az 4x.
fleg 20.03.2020 18:05
psalo se, že netflix obdržel návrh, a že o něm uvažuje. kdo umí česky, je to něco jako čas minulý, p…
lední brtník 20.03.2020 18:13
lední brtník
lední brtník 21.03.2020 10:08
lední brtník
v nejkaranténnějších státech zvolili postup s tučnější kompresí: https://diit.cz/clanek/netflix-nesn…
lední brtník 25.03.2020 18:12
lední brtník
Včera jsme zaznamenali i přetížený mobilní sítě, při hovoru bylo slyšet tak každý druhý slovo.
Prasak 20.03.2020 21:26
nechápem prečo páteřná sieť nemá aspoň dvojnásobnú kapacitu bežného prenosu zo všetkých koncových za…
Mlocik97 21.03.2020 14:53
Pochopenie vašich obáv o sieťovú infraštruktúru je jasné, že optimalizácia kapacity na zvládanie špi…
Jinn 09.05.2024 07:13
"Pretended net in the EU" could refer to deceptive practices or false information being spread withi…
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Internet speed issues can be frustrating, especially for uploading high-quality photos. Using Remini…
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Malik 25.10.2024 18:35
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Rajpoot 25.10.2024 18:37
If you’re tired of ads interrupting your music on Getspotifyapk.com, you might want to check out the…
Haseeb 28.11.2024 08:56
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Mueez 10.06.2024 11:57
If you're looking for a top-notch photo editing app, Wink Mod APK is a must-try. It provides fantast…
Hicks 25.06.2024 08:22
try Higgs Domino. It is also not downloadable in EU easily.
Higgs Domino 26.06.2024 15:58
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One of the most exciting parts of NBA 2K20 is MyCareer mode. In this mode, you create your own baske…
Liezel 14.07.2024 02:17
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Adam Gilchrist 07.08.2024 12:15
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Read the Homunculus 17.01.2025 20:08
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Fire Kirin APK has become one of the famous apps owing to its ability of giving users the opportunit…
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Haseeb 07.11.2024 09:42
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jhonmkll 07.11.2024 11:37
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Pretend Net vs EU is an interesting debate, much like discovering hidden tools and platforms that en…
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Podla informacii z netu bol Netflix poziadany a ziadosti vyhovel, aby utlmil vysielanie v HD kvalite

Mas odkaz?

Ja se furt rozhoduju, jestli jit do Netflixu a tohle by byl ten padny duvod to definitivne odkopnout stranou. Takze by me vazne zajimalo, jestli by to nekdo mohl potvrdit, ze vazne Netflix prestal vysilat v HD.

Ja to chapu, ale na druhou stranu, nemam zajem o nic min nez HD vysilani a pokud to Netflix neumi v dobe, kdy mam konecne cas se divat, nabidnout, tak je to pro me passe. To ze tam jsou technicke obtize, je pro me jako pripadneho koncoveho zakaznika druhotne.

Preco by mali. To nie je ich problem, navyse sa dodrzuje sietova neutralita, takze je povinnostou ISP poskytovat akykolvek obsah na nete bez restrikcii.
YT napriklad poskytuje (neviem za akych podmienok) vacsim ISP lokalne cache servre, takze minimalne YT nieco s tym robil lebo par rokov dozadu boli problemy u niektorych vacsich ISP sledovat nieco z YT bez sekania.

To neni o tom, jestli to je nebo neni povinnosti ISP, ale predstava, ze budou ISP distribuovat tuny treba 4K obsahu a nic za to nebudou chtit, neni realna. Nekdo to zaplatit musi a ja to urcite jako zakaznik platit nechci, nemam treba o 4K zajem, tudiz by to mely platit sluzby jako Netflix a nasledne si to vybrat od tech, kdo ten 4K chteji. (Je to jen priklad, podstatou sedeleni je jen to, ze nekde to nekdo zaplatit musi.)

Tak to jsem nevedel, ze YT prispiva, to je dobre, diky za informaci.

Včera večer jsem koukal na Netflix a obraz rozhodně nevypadal jako SD.

Seriále co sleduji v PC s rozlišením FHD jsou stále 1080p, na TV 4K mi stale funguje bez nějakých požití i 4K.
Netflix, Prime Video nic IMHO nastavovat teoreticky ani nemusí, protože cílový obraz je počítán z rychlost připojení, jestli mam pomalé, přetížené připojení sám se dle rychlosti přepne do režimu UHD/FHD/HD/SD
(s FTTH na tom co hlceni není tak strašlivé jak na staré V/ADSL)

Na PC:
Test snímků filmu který by měl být v rozlišení FHD@1080p:
Pro zobrazení podrobných informaci v Netflix : [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + [D] :

Na TV:
Co jsem jen tak zběžně zkoušel i na TV rozlišení UHD na filmech, serialech co UltraHD podporují 4K stále funguje :
Video : 15.25 mbit/s rozlišení : 2160p

Ja uz nevim, kde jsem to cetla a hledat se mi to nechce, ale v nejakym clanku psali, ze u netflixu nejde o zruseni FHD/4K vysilani jako takoveho, ale ze to nejak vic zkomprimovali, aby to nemelo takovy datovy toky. Pokud si to dobre pamatuju, snizilo to spotrebu dat asi o 25 %.

nechápem prečo páteřná sieť nemá aspoň dvojnásobnú kapacitu bežného prenosu zo všetkých koncových zariadení, ktoré sú ku nej pripojené nie len v aktuálnom čase. Chápem že sa snažia ušetriť peniaze, lebo 95% času je väčšina kapacity nevyužitá, ale snaď keď sa jedná o takúto kritickú/dôležitú súčasť "Internetu", tak by tam tie peniaze vraziť mali. Keď si pozrieme priemerne peeringové centrá o koľko sa zvýšila prevádzka, tak to nie je ani 20%, to ako nemajú ani takúto rezervu, aby to utiahli?

Pochopenie vašich obáv o sieťovú infraštruktúru je jasné, že optimalizácia kapacity na zvládanie špičkových časov bez plytvania je rozhodujúca. Avšak pre používateľov, ktorí čelia pomalému pripojeniu alebo oneskoreniam pri spracovaní obrazu, môže použitie pokročilých nástrojov, ako je Remini, výrazne zvýšiť výkon. Remini využíva technológiu AI na rýchle zlepšenie kvality fotografií, a to aj v podmienkach obmedzenej šírky pásma. Pre bezproblémovú úpravu fotografií bez upgradovania celej sieťovej infraštruktúry zvážte prijatie riešení ako reminiapk.io, ktoré je navrhnuté tak, aby efektívne poskytovalo vysokokvalitné výsledky.

"Pretended net in the EU" could refer to deceptive practices or false information being spread within the European Union's digital space. Similar to the risks associated with downloading a <a herf="https://reminiepro.com/">remini mod apk</a> from untrustworthy sources, these deceptive practices can lead to misinformation and potential harm. It highlights the importance of vigilance and reliability in digital and regulatory environments.

If you're looking for a top-notch photo editing app, Wink Mod APK is a must-try. It provides fantastic features that elevate your editing game.
For reliable and fast internet browser, UC Browser is my top recommendation. Its features and performance are outstanding.
I've been using the Meitu Mod APK and love it! The advanced editing tools and beautiful filters take my photos to the next level. Definitely recommend trying it out!

One of the most exciting parts of NBA 2K20 is MyCareer mode. In this mode, you create your own basketball player and start from playing on local courts to becoming a star in the NBA 2K20 APK obb 76.0 1 download. First, you experience the thrill of being picked by an NBA team in the draft. Then, you work hard to improve your skills by practicing shooting, dribbling, and defense. As you progress, you play in games where every match is important for your career. Winning these games helps you gain more recognition and respect in the league. Your ultimate goal is to become a legendary player who is known and respected by fans and other players.

Spending quality time with your kids is so important, and it's great to see you being mindful of their activities. Toca Boca World is indeed a fantastic choice for children, fostering creativity and imagination in a safe and engaging way. If you're exploring mod versions, just be cautious and ensure you download them from trusted and secure sources to protect your devices and data. It's always wonderful to see parents actively involved in their children's playtime and ensuring it's both fun and safe!

he discussion about overloaded networks in the EU highlights how important it is to have efficient internet infrastructure, especially with increasing demand. It’s always great to see people sharing insights and potential solutions for such issues. On another note, if you're interested in gaming, you might want to check out this: https://vblink.app/vblink-no-deposit-bonus/. It’s a great way to enjoy gaming perks without any upfront deposit!

<a href="https://trafficrider.racing/">Traffic Rider</a> Mod APK is an exciting bike racing game for Android users, offering an enhanced experience with stunning 3D graphics and HD visuals. The game features realistic environments, including detailed roads, buildings, and vehicles, making it feel like real-life racing. With the mod version, you get access to unlocked features, extra bikes, and unlimited coins, allowing you to enjoy the game to its fullest. Download now for an unbeatable racing adventure!

"Hill Climb Racing" is a driving game where players navigate challenging terrain, focusing on vehicle control and upgrades. In contrast, "Coin Master" is a casual slot machine game combined with village-building and social interactions, where players spin slots for rewards and attack or raid others. The former emphasizes driving physics, while the latter centers on spins and social features.
for download coin master click here: https://apkcoinmaster.com/
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Traffic Rider MOD APK is the ultimate choice for racing game lovers, offering an adrenaline-pumping experience with unlimited money, unlocked bikes, and endless highway rides. With its realistic first-person bike view, smooth controls, and immersive sound effects, it feels like you're truly on the road. The high-speed chases, day-night variations, and dynamic weather make every ride thrilling. Unlike other racing games, Traffic Rider MOD APK keeps the fun alive with a career mode, multiple missions, and stunning graphics that bring the roads to life. If you crave speed, freedom, and non-stop action, this is the best racing game to rev up your excitement. Get the full details about Traffic Rider MOD APK at https://trafficriderdownload.com/

Traffic Rider MOD APK is the ultimate choice for racing game lovers, offering an adrenaline-pumping experience with unlimited money, unlocked bikes, and endless highway rides. With its realistic first-person bike view, smooth controls, and immersive sound effects, it feels like you're truly on the road. The high-speed chases, day-night variations, and dynamic weather make every ride thrilling. Unlike other racing games, Traffic Rider MOD APK keeps the fun alive with a career mode, multiple missions, and stunning graphics that bring the roads to life. If you crave speed, freedom, and non-stop action, this is the best racing game to rev up your excitement. Get more about Traffic Rider MOD APK at https://trafficriderdownload.com/

Toca Boca MOD APK unlocks premium features, giving players access to all locations, items, and characters without restrictions. It enhances creativity and fun by removing ads and in-app purchases. However, since it's an unofficial version, users should be cautious about security risks and always download from trusted sources. Have you tried it yet? https://tocaapklife.com/

I discovered a site (https://apksuniverse.com) modded apps and games like Gta Mzansi, offering additional missions and features, and Crunchyroll Premium, which gives access to ad-free anime streaming. The Pixellab app unlocks premium text editing tools, while Hill Climb Racing includes unlimited coins for enhanced gameplay. It’s a great place to find a wide variety of modded apps and games.

Be a part of an unprecedented and unlimited adventure with GTA San Andreas APK and enjoy the open-world gaming experience on your mobile device. Are you facing problems with the paid application? Then don’t worry about how to enjoy unlimited and smooth gameplay with this GTA San Andreas APK version without any interruption.

You are being introduced to such an entertaining application that has the largest library of TV shows and movies. From the official app, the user faces many issues, like region-specific content and subscription fees. Castle Mod APK solves these problems by providing unlimited access to premium content.

The <a href="https://appinstapro.com">Insta360 Pro 2</a> is a professional 360-degree camera, ideal for immersive VR content creation. It captures 8K video, offers real-time stabilization, and features six lenses for a full panoramic experience. Perfect for filmmakers seeking high-quality, dynamic virtual reality footage.

InstaPro is a altered form of the official that offers upgraded highlights, making it an engaging choice for clients looking for more control. It gives an ad-free interface, the capacity to download photographs, recordings, and stories straightforwardly, and progressed security choices like covering up “seen” status and writing markers. Whereas these highlights are appealing, clients ought to be cautious of security dangers when utilizing informal apps. Downloading InstaPro from trusted sources and taking after security best hones guarantees a more secure encounter.

"It's intriguing to see how streaming platforms like Netflix and YouTube are adapting to mitigate network congestion during these unprecedented times. The increased demand for online entertainment and video calls due to COVID-19 has put significant strain on internet infrastructure worldwide. It's crucial for platforms to manage bandwidth effectively to ensure a smooth experience for users. This situation underscores the importance of technological adaptations like wink mod apks, which can optimize user experience with smart home devices. For more insights on tech enhancements and their impact, you can use video editing app.

It's fascinating how quickly the network infrastructure can become overloaded, especially when everyone suddenly relies on streaming and video calls. Just as we see the backbone networks struggling to keep up with demand, in Dragon City, players have to ensure their dragons are well-trained and prepared for intense battles. Both involve balancing resources to avoid bottlenecks! For anyone who enjoys games that require strategy and careful management, Dragon City MOD APK is worth checking out.

TubeMate is a mobile utility mainly used for downloading YouTube movies. available for Android, it lets customers store films directly to their devices, wherein they can be viewed later without an internet connection. over time, TubeMate has garnered a huge person base thanks to its simplicity, pace, and the capability to download movies in multiple codecs and resolutions. At the same time as YouTube itself no longer natively guides direct downloads (except for constrained offline viewing in certain areas and with a subscription to YouTube top rate), https://tubemate.icu/ fills this gap by offering a sincere and efficient way to get right of entry to and keep motion pictures.

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The network congestion during the pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in internet infrastructure, with streaming services like Netflix adjusting video quality to manage the increased load. While not the fault of providers, such issues underscore the importance of reliable cloud storage solutions like TeraBox Pro. With its ample storage and seamless access, TeraBox Pro ensures you can manage and store your files securely, even when internet traffic is at its peak. Get more https://teraboxpro.com/blogs/

Loklok tube for Android TV is spreading all over the world day by day. It is changing the world and increasing the user experience. The main problem that a user faced in the past was the unavailability of Android TV. So, people couldn’t have access to Android TV in the past.

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rope hero hack is perfect for players who love superhero action and enjoy open-world exploration. You can swing through the city, battle criminals, and complete missions with unlimited resources and invincible powers. The Mod APK enhances the core elements of the game, giving you full access to all the fun without worrying about limitations. If you’re a fan of superhero games with action-packed combat, Rope Hero Mod APK is a must-play.

The congested network in the EU impacts seamless online experiences, including gaming. The Clash of Clans Mod APK, however, offers a solution by enabling private servers for smoother gameplay. With unlimited resources and enhanced features, it bypasses network delays, ensuring players can enjoy uninterrupted gaming, even in high-traffic regions. Visit Here https://clashofclans.fun/

The article highlights an interesting point about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on internet infrastructure in the EU. With more people working from home and using streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, and HBO GO, the demand on backbone networks became overwhelming. In response, Netflix agreed to lower streaming quality to reduce traffic, showing how vulnerable networks can be when faced with sudden surges in demand. It’s a reminder that, while streaming services provide convenience, they also depend on strong, well-maintained infrastructure that might not always be prepared for massive, unexpected loads.

In a similar vein, using modded apps like "Wink Meitu retouching tool" also comes with risks—while these apps might offer features for free, they can overwhelm your device’s resources or introduce security vulnerabilities. Just like network infrastructure, the reliability of your device can be compromised when too much pressure is placed on it. It's always better to stick with official apps for the best and safest experience.
Source: https://winkmodapkk.com/

Overloaded networks can definitely cause frustration, especially when you're trying to stay connected for work or entertainment. It's always a challenge when infrastructure can’t keep up with demand, but hopefully, there will be improvements in the near future to avoid such issues.

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The surge in internet traffic during the pandemic highlights the critical need for a robust infrastructure to handle streaming services, video calls, and other data-heavy activities. As networks struggle to keep up with demand, it's important for individuals to optimize their data usage and storage solutions. For those looking to manage their digital files effectively, comprehensive guides and reviews on Terabox MOD APK offer valuable insights into maximizing cloud storage capabilities. This tool can be a game-changer for organizing and storing large media files, ensuring seamless access even during times of high internet strain.

Top Follow APK is an app designed to help users increase their followers on social media by offering a system where users can earn coins through various activities. These coins can then get unlimited followers, likes, or engagement on their profiles. The app typically provides a simple way to grow social media presence, but users should be cautious about its terms of use and the potential to violate platform guidelines. www.protopfollow.com

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