Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem Total Commander 7.55 beta 1

What's new?

* Use MLSD command for file listings in FTP function (better time resolution, time in UTC)
* Transfer files between two computers over a special USB cable
* Improvements to synchronize dirs function: Compare via plugins and FTP, options to skip hidden files and hard links, SITE UTIME in ftp sync
* Compare by content now shows different and changed lines with a slightly different background color (configurable via wincmd.ini)
* FTP connection details dialog split into two tabs
* "cd" command in button bar and start menu now accepts parameter /user: (user name for network connection)
* Open archives also in virtual folders like the Desktop
* New internal commands with parameters SELECTFILES, OPENTABSL and OPENTABSR, e.g. for the button bar
* Let the user set the user agent for HTTP connections
* Unpack directory time stamps from archives
* Lister: Increased maximum line length to 1024 characters (Unicode: 512)
* Verify CRC checksums: Also support CRC files in UTF16 Unicode format
* Show Terminal Server and Win7 XP mode drives in drive dropdown list and drive buttonbar
* Ctrl+Shift+B and cm_DirBranchSel shows branch view of only the selected dirs+files
* Colors by file type: Get plugin data in background thread for slow plugins
* F5 copy dialog: "Options" dialog extension can be pinned now to remain open
* RAR with encrypted file names: Show pseudo file <Encrypted -> F5> and let user unpack the archive with F5
* Command line: Command "cd filename" places cursor directly on file with name "filename"
* Search in "feed to listbox" results: Respect option "Search subdirectories", e.g. to search 3 levels deep in all selected dirs
* Show progress dialog box when reading a directory takes longer than 5 seconds
* Create CRC checksums: support subdirectories (recursively), background button
* Multi-rename tool: Allow to create fields with leading zeroes or spaces
* Create shortcuts (LNK files) also in protected system directories
* Handle dir space calculation in background (when user presses SPACE or Alt+Shift+Enter)
* Internal UnRAR via unrar.dll: Support target names longer than 259 characters
* File system plugins: Support background downloads and uploads (requires changes to plugin)
* Various new background operations: Unpack: RAR, TAR, packer plugins (needs modification), Pack: TAR, packer plugins
* See history.txt for all additions and fixes


Zdroj: Ghisler.com
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V testu Chipu vyhrál FreeCommander. ;-)
Tomix nologin 27.03.2010 22:34
Tomix nologin
No nevim... Jednak je to zdechle jak slimak po obrne, druhak ta preplacana lista...
mif 28.03.2010 10:14
lebo TC je uplne rychly :-) hlavne pri praci so sietovymi zlozkami
wam_Spider007 28.03.2010 12:34
Co ten sarkasmus :-)? Ano, TC je rychly jak blesk (aspon ta "moje" sestkova verze). I v praci se sit…
mif 28.03.2010 16:58
ja som na par dni TC skusil v praci realne pouzivat (doteraz som pouzival len "compare by content" a…
wam_Spider007 28.03.2010 18:27
To co popisujes jsem nezaznamenal. Pravda ovsem je, ze tezce "rozdychava" vadnou placku (CD/DVD s ch… nový
mif 30.03.2010 19:06
Ja mám TC zakúpený a bez neho si neviem predstaviť život. Kto robí na štýl "multitasking" tak určite… nový
Len tak 29.03.2010 16:21
Len tak
salamander na hrad :-p (tc že je rychlý při práci v síti? snad na menší jednoduché síti, kde nikdy… poslední
lední brtník 04.04.2010 14:32
lední brtník

ja som na par dni TC skusil v praci realne pouzivat (doteraz som pouzival len "compare by content" a nejake dalsie blbinky) a ziadna slava. Pokial ma zlozka viac suborov, tak to tazko rozdychava, hlavne ked odminimalizujem okno. Proste v jednom kuse ten TC nieco vykonava a neviem naco. Dalsia vec, ked som napriklad pripojeny vo VPN a prezeram si zlozky nejakeho PC, ktory v tej VPN je, tak celkom OK, ale nebodaj spadne VPN spojenie a s TC je amen.
Takze TC pre mna ostane uz asi navzdy iba ako nastroj pre "compare by content" ci rychle prezeranie logov, ktore su vo formate TXT.
Mozno su moje problemy sposobene tym, ze to pouzivam na Win7 - neviem, ale zistovat to nejdem. Mozno by este nebolo odveci skusit SpeedCommander. Do tej doby ale vo windowse u mna vyhrava klasicky (s)explorer. Uvital by som v nom ale aspon podporu tabov :-(.

To co popisujes jsem nezaznamenal. Pravda ovsem je, ze tezce "rozdychava" vadnou placku (CD/DVD s chybou v TOC) - to pri pokusu o nasilne preruseni nacitani nekdy i vytuhne. Se siti ani preplnenymi adresari jsem ale problem nikdy nemel. SpeedCommander neznam (ale jdu guglit ;-)).

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