Total Commander 7.55 beta 1
What's new?
* Use MLSD command for file listings in FTP function (better time resolution, time in UTC)
* Transfer files between two computers over a special USB cable
* Improvements to synchronize dirs function: Compare via plugins and FTP, options to skip hidden files and hard links, SITE UTIME in ftp sync
* Compare by content now shows different and changed lines with a slightly different background color (configurable via wincmd.ini)
* FTP connection details dialog split into two tabs
* "cd" command in button bar and start menu now accepts parameter /user: (user name for network connection)
* Open archives also in virtual folders like the Desktop
* New internal commands with parameters SELECTFILES, OPENTABSL and OPENTABSR, e.g. for the button bar
* Let the user set the user agent for HTTP connections
* Unpack directory time stamps from archives
* Lister: Increased maximum line length to 1024 characters (Unicode: 512)
* Verify CRC checksums: Also support CRC files in UTF16 Unicode format
* Show Terminal Server and Win7 XP mode drives in drive dropdown list and drive buttonbar
* Ctrl+Shift+B and cm_DirBranchSel shows branch view of only the selected dirs+files
* Colors by file type: Get plugin data in background thread for slow plugins
* F5 copy dialog: "Options" dialog extension can be pinned now to remain open
* RAR with encrypted file names: Show pseudo file <Encrypted -> F5> and let user unpack the archive with F5
* Command line: Command "cd filename" places cursor directly on file with name "filename"
* Search in "feed to listbox" results: Respect option "Search subdirectories", e.g. to search 3 levels deep in all selected dirs
* Show progress dialog box when reading a directory takes longer than 5 seconds
* Create CRC checksums: support subdirectories (recursively), background button
* Multi-rename tool: Allow to create fields with leading zeroes or spaces
* Create shortcuts (LNK files) also in protected system directories
* Handle dir space calculation in background (when user presses SPACE or Alt+Shift+Enter)
* Internal UnRAR via unrar.dll: Support target names longer than 259 characters
* File system plugins: Support background downloads and uploads (requires changes to plugin)
* Various new background operations: Unpack: RAR, TAR, packer plugins (needs modification), Pack: TAR, packer plugins
* See history.txt for all additions and fixes
Ja mám TC zakúpený a bez neho si neviem predstaviť život. Kto robí na štýl "multitasking" tak určite používa TC.
TC na hrad!
salamander na hrad
(tc že je rychlý při práci v síti? snad na menší jednoduché síti, kde nikdy nevypadává dostupnost sdílených disků, jinak je to zoufalost)