Tak som to nasiel, tie komentare su komentare k suborom ktore si mozes pridat v TC a ukladaju sa v descript.ion, to urcite nepouzivas.
K tym delete metodam pise ghisler napr. tu
The problem is the following: The function SHFileOperation which is used to delete to recycle bin doesn't allow to determine whether the file/dir will really go to recycle bin or not. If it does, then all is OK (deletion of entire folders is instntaneous). If it doesn't it could take a LOT of time because Windows is deleting all files individually, and it CANNOT be aborted! That's why Total Commander has to delete all files one by one.
The alternative is to check the option "use Explorer delete method" in Configuration - Copy/Delete. Then the deletion is performed as in Explorer. The downside is that comments cannot be removed for files from descript.ion.
T.j. TC maze subory po jednom lebo mrkvosoft WinAPI je nahovno, presne jak som predpokladal. Tym nastavenim vynutis ze pouzije pre mazanie suborov nejake to nahovno WinAPI ktore win ponuka ale to sa potom neda zrusit uprostred mazania (lebo skvele mrkvosoft WinAPI aj cely windows je nahovno), a nevie to potom mazat zaznamy z descript.ion, co ale nepotrebujes. Ale mazanie by malo byt potom rychle, jak v prieskumniku (a mozno ani prieskumnik nevie zrusit operaciu uprostred mazania, ale neskusal som)