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Microsoft® Visual C# 2005 Express Edition

To complete the registration process for Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, please validate your e-mail address. Once your e-mail address has been validated, you will receive your registration key and instructions to complete registration of your software. To validate your e-mail address and receive your registration key, please click on the link below:
http://profile.microsoft.com/ProductActivation/Conf irmEmail.aspx?lcid=1033&---------CENSORED

If clicking on the link above does not work, try the following:

Select and copy the entire link.
Open a browser window and paste the link in the address bar.
Click Go or, on your keyboard, press Enter or Return.
Make sure to sign out of Passport and also clear your Browser "Cookies".
You may be asked to sign in with a Microsoft .NET Passport. When you get prompted at this screen make sure to sign in with your original Passport account not the email address you just changed it to.

Note to Hotmail and MSN users: If you are using a Passport account other than the one you used to receive this verification e-mail you must follow the Troubleshooting steps above to successfully complete your e-mail verification process.

Do not reply to this message. This email message has been sent from an unmonitored e-mail address. We are unable to respond to any replies sent to this e-mail address.

If you continue to have access problems or want to report other issues, please Contact Us.

© 2005 Microsoft Corporation.

email jde potvrdit v poho ale to druhe jiz ne. Na poprvi kdyz jsem klikl tak zase pad a spojeni se serverem preruseno... po par minutach...na podruhe to nespadlo zobrazila se tabulka pro prihlaseni a kdyz sem se prihlasil tak to spadlo. byla tu ochotna dalsi duse a poslala mi dalsi ucet s heslem. Opet to same, kdyz rikate za Vam to jde v poho tak je chyba asi u meho internet providera (O2), tedy neresitelna situace z meho pohledu :( Zkusim se regnout od kamose nebo nemate nekdo dalsi CDKEY, nebo nemuzete si jej nechat vygenerovat (poslal bych confirm email)? Proste z meho PC s timhle internetem je to neresitelna situace...uz nekolik dni chjo ja uz chci kodit

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